31 Days of Horror Fonts 2020
What are the 31 Days of Horror Fonts you ask? Well, it works like this…
Visit my Instagram page…
- Each day in October, I’ll be posting a new made-up film title based on the Inktober 2020 prompt list… or whatever prompt list Google gives me when I don’t like the prompt.
- You can cast your “Vote” by double-tapping and liking that days post. Vote as much as you like, I’m not paying much attention to the numbers until the end of the month.
Then, when it’s all said and done…
I’ll create a font based on the lettering used in whichever made-up film title has the most likes. I may also create fonts based on more than one of these because sometimes I just get really into it… and I like creating fonts. Hopefully, that won’t derail me from completing the 31 Days of Horror Fonts this year. Last year, I believe 4 of the fake movie titles were made into fonts. I can only hope this year will be as successfull.
The Daily Rundown (aka the modified prompts):
- Selfish
- Wisp
- Ghost Car
- Radio Slash
- Demon Blade
- Stabbed Alive
- Fancy Way to Die
- Teeth
- Throwd
- Hopeless
- Disco Disgusto
- Slippery
- Dune
- Carmor
- Shoutpost
- Rocket
- Storm
- Trap Lore
- Dizard
- Coral Mompass
- Dr. Sleep
- Chef
- Dig
- Buddy
- Hideout
- Musick
- Float
- Revenge of the Shoes
- Ominous
- Scrawl
Check back often for more information, and don’t forget to “Vote“!