31 Days of Horror Fonts

31 Days of Horror Fonts is my self-inflicted October creative challenge that leaves me with a boatload of potential typeface ideas that may be worth finishing. But will they? The concept is simple: I’ll draw 31 different (possibly horror-related) words or phrases in the 31 days of October. At the end of the month, I count up the likes, or “votes”, on each post and whichever has the most, gets made into a typeface.

You can follow the action in real time on my Instagram page, and vote for your favorites.

The Post with the Most, Babe

Here’s how it works:

  1. Follow @Remedy667isDead on Instagram
  2. Cast your “Vote” by double-tapping or liking that day’s post. Liking the post counts as one vote for that day’s prompt. Vote as many times as you like, for as many posts as you want. I’m not checking anything other than which post has the most likes at the end of the month.
  3. At the end of the month, the post with the most likes will get made into a typeface. I’ll create a font based on the lettering used in whichever post had the most votes. I usually also create fonts based on more than one of these because sometimes you just get really into it… and I like creating fonts. That shouldn’t derail me from completing the 31 Days of Horror Fonts though.

Bonus Vote Days

  • October 13 & 31 are bonus vote days. I’ll be making a special Bonus Vote Day post on Instagram and Facebook. Comment the name of your favorite typefaces in that post, and you can cast additional votes.
  • I’ll also be sending out an email those days if you’re on my mailing list with a link to a survey where you can cast even more votes.

Will I Survive?

Here is a list of fonts designed during 31 Days of Horror Fonts in past years, with links to the available retail fonts:

Ghost CitySpook ShackSkullsSelfishRing of Death
Atomic TerrorGore GirlPersuitWispThe Mindless
Tombstone ParkGhost KittyWitch HouseGhost CarSkate Bait
Haunt CutsMonster PartyDevil’s KnotRadio SlashDon’t Look in the Freezer
Giallo RossaCalypso WitchVarmenDemon BladeHell Builder
Vampyre BitesWolf MoonFungus MoonStabbed AliveHusky Frankenstein
Ecto ScriptTeenage SlayerPunk WerewolfFancy Way to DieEnchanted Chainsaws
Zombie PlagueMiss MagicianFeral KidsTeethThe Frail
EnigmaticoPulling TeethHorror BoogieThrowdMonster Swing Party
Demon CraftGruesomeBlood MummyHopelessSplatter Pattern
Grave RobberFeast of FleshZombie SourDisco DisgustoRed Snow
Morte ViolentaElectric YouthPoisonestSlipperyDragon P.I.
Wired AFUndeadBad Guy LagoonDuneAshes to Ashes
Dead ShotKandy CornChainsongCarmorOvergrown Assassin
Death ScrawlCemetary StationSpellmetShoutpostLegend of the Heroes
Misery MachineBeast MakerPrick LogicRocketWild Folk
Thirst for EvilStraw ManClampireStormOrnamental Institution
Witches’ TreeBurn Baby BurnBone SplitterTrapLoreThe Misfit Seven
Sangre OscuraBone DaddyLocal GirlsDizardThe Sling
Bride of the AtomEast GhostShrunken HeadCoral MompassBlood Tread
Apparition SlimBlood VisionMonster ScumDr. SleepSunken Treasure
Scawy MonstuhShriekerWicked BatsChefGhost Stories
Monsters BewareSlime TimeGhoulensteinRIPAncient Ones
Ghoul GroovePartly DeadInsectoidDigDizzy Liz
Crust and BonesFang ClubSea of GravesBuddyTasty
Colore del SangueX-SpectreFangensteinHideoutAfraid of the Dark
FangerRetroweenWolf ManiaMusickCoat of Arms
Tribe VibesFright Night
(Fright Watch)
Snake BoyFloatLast Ride
Ghoul FiendSpectre
(Spectre Collector)
Horrorific!Revenge of the Shoes
(Grindhouse Revenge)
Injury Duty
Halloween ParadeScarytaleSlitherOminousFlesh Catch
Witch FingersAll HallowsTrick or CreepScrawlRipe for the Killing
*NOTE: In 2023, all of the typefaces were released. One per day on SpookyFonts.com, and free fonts were released on Remedy667 through the Horror Font Fan Club.