Hi! You may have noticed some new layouts, graphics, and pages around. The website is our pride and joy so we’ve been really active in changing things up lately! If you have any feedback or suggestions for changes please let us know.
What You Can Expect
There have been a lot of noticeable changes around here, the homepage and blog have undergone quite a change in appearance. Most of these changes are to try and help with the overall usability of the site, and some of the changes I’ve actually been wanting to make for a while, and just hadn’t had time for. Then there are some other changes…
New Features
You may have noticed there are some new logos on the home page and on a few of the individual font pages in their features sections. I’ve been using a lot of these terms (Doubles Elimination, Randomizer) over the last few years to evaluate my typefaces as I prepare them for release, and I wanted to make these features more known. I think they’re very beneficial, and make them stand out from a lot of the other stuff on the market.
Unfortunately, not every feature is baked into every font, and that can only mean one thing…
Font Updates
I’ve been going through all of my typefaces and compiling a list of which typefaces have what characters (I’m developing a certification system to explain this) and will soon start doing some major font updates. I’ll post about the new updates here, in the blog, along with my other channels. This will take some time to roll out, but I think they will give a lot more value to these fonts, and make them a lot more useful to you.
Also, if you’ve already downloaded a font that’s being updated, the update is free. You should just be able to download the newest version from the website where you originally purchased a license. Whether it’s from Retro Supply, Creative Market, etc. I’ll make sure that everyone has the new file before I post about it.
That’s all I’ve got for now. Thanks for checking out this post and supporting Remedy667. I’m looking forward to some more major updates soon.